Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More iPad Thoughts

Excuse me for saying so, but the iPad does NOT present the "best" browsing experience I've ever had. First of all, page loads are slow. Too slow. Second, when switching from one browser window to another, the software seems to force reload the old web page... which is unfortunate when the page is too full of information (loads too slow).

If you're just going to do some REALLY simple web browsing or reading, this device is cool. I will admit that. I find myself just reaching for it naturally when I want to quickly look something up. But it is useless for getting anything productive done. Once again, I really hate the iPhone OS.

What's the deal with "Settings"? Why do I have to close out of an application and find the settings application in order to change any settings? Why can't I just change the settings from within the App?

I really can't wait for a Google Tablet to hit the scene. Hopefully the hardware will be as elegant as the iPad (not likely though) but I just love the Android OS.


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