Thursday, February 25, 2010

My First Prezi

Well, as you can see below, I'm a Prezi user! That's a brand-new skill for me. In fact, I had never even heard of Prezi prior to the 18 February ITEC 830 class session. I was bowled over by how quick some of my classmates were able create a visually exciting presentation. And hey: finally a reason to step away from PowerPoint! At first I thought it some sort of "Mac" thing as just about everyone in this department seems to be running an Apple system. But when I noticed those things were somehow updating in near real-time on the blogs, without the need to upload, I did some further investigation. Sure enough, this is web-based creating at the top of the heap. The Prezi people have done a really good job. This application most certainly won't take the place of PPT for many people, but I can see a place for it in my repertoire. Thanks, classmates. Now, should I introduce my high school students to Prezi?

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